Most people realize how important the health of our back, neck and spine are until we are faced with pain which stops us from our normal daily activities. Sometimes these pains develop over time from daily use, misuse or underuse, in other cases pain to any area of the back or neck  or spine can happen abruptly like in a sports injury, a fall or car accident. The point is when you are suffering from any pain symptom related to your back, neck or spine your whole life can be negatively effected and getting professional chiropractic treatment is one of the best and most affordable actions you can take to get you back to normal.

When you begin treatment with AJ Chiropractic you are giving yourself a structured plan to recovery. No two patients are identical which is why Dr. Jake Yang will work with you on your first visit and consultation to examine, diagnose and begin treating your symptom(s). From here, you will get your personalized plan which will help you get on the path to back, neck and spine health.

Back Pain

Back pain can begin with out you ever even noticing it, in often cases it begins with prolonged sitting such as many people do at their work desks everyday. When you sit for long periods of time you can develop poor sitting habits such as slouching which ads stress to areas of the back which are disproportionately favored. Other desk related back pains can stem from simply just siting at your desk too long and not get up and moving and stretching frequently enough. What ever your back pain stems from being in pain can greatly effect your way of life and should be addressed as soon as possible before more chronic pain takes effect.

Neck Pain

Neck pain is another common pain which can take time to take effect due to our daily habits, for instance most common neck pain derives from constant engagement with our phones. Craning our necks downwards to engage with our phone wether it’s playing games, watching video or surfing social media for prolonged time periods can take a real toll on the neck and can even lead to ongoing neck pain if not corrected or treated. In other cases neck pain can be caused sudden movement which chiropractic treatment can aid in faster recovery.

Herniations and Disc Bulges

A herniated disk refers to a problem with one of the rubbery cushions (disks) between the individual bones (vertebrae) that stack up to make your spine. A spinal disk is a little like a jelly donut, with a softer center encased within a tougher exterior. Sometimes called a slipped disk or a ruptured disk, a herniated disk occurs when some of the softer “jelly” pushes out through a tear in the tougher exterior.

A bulging disc refers to when the inner nucleus of a vertebral disc protrudes to it’s outer layer. A disc bulge may happen as a result of a great amount of pressure being placed on the disc, or if the disc has degenerated from age and other factors. Just because a bulge has occurred doesn’t mean there will be any bulging disc symptoms; it is only when it comes in contact with surrounding tissues or nerves that it begins causing problems.